Archive - random, disorganized, will probably be deleted eventually

Rubik’s cubeRandom test area

If you want to see what I do in my day job take a look at My re:Invent presentations and the Twitch show I do with Erin McGill.

For now here's where I share random stuff I'm working on. It’s mostly raw notes until I refine it into actual content. Eventually I’ll put the polished stuff at the top.

Cheat sheets - quick commands to do common things:

Docker cheat sheetnpm cheat sheetAWS CLI cheat sheetPython cheat sheetAWS IoT cheat sheetRedshift cheat sheetVideo cheat sheetNative image cheat sheet

Hacks - longer form content, usually slightly odd things:

Python hacksLinux hacksDominoKit hacksJava hacksPostgreSQL hacksCloud9 and EC2 hacksAWS IoT hacksGWT hacksVideo hacksGradle hacksMacOS hacksNodeJS hacks

Notes - mixed content, usually related to debugging:

AWS Lambda debugging notesAWS IoT debugging notesAWS IoT Greengrass debugging notesDebugger support for GreengrassWebSocket debugging notesAWS API Gateway debugging notesDynamoDB beginner’s guide

Links to GitHub assets I use a lot:

Personal rants

My configs:

tmux configfish shell config
  • I stopped using fish a while ago but wanted to leave this here in case I ever wanted to go back
Raw, unfinished projects and notes